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Analytical Chemistry

We develop analytical methods for parent active substances and metabolites for different matrices

The analytical chemistry department is provided at IES plays a supportive role to all of our service areas and sites. Analytical techniques such as thin layer chromatography (TLC), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) both low and high resolution mass spectrometric analysers, and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS).

Analytical Support

Our analytical chemistry team provides support for studies throughout the company:

  • Method implementation, development and validation
  • HPLC analysis, provided with both on- and off-line radiodetection for the quantitation of radiolabelled test items and their metabolites.
  • Quantitative LC-MS analysis, performed using our state-of-the-art triple quadrupole instruments or if required using Q-Exactive Orbitrap.
  • GC and GC-MS analysis
  • Identification of unknown metabolites, done through close collaboration with our environmental fate and metabolism teams.

Our equipment includes various forms of HPLC with different detectors, HPLC/MS/MS (including a SCIEX QTRAP® 6500 and accurate mass ThermoFisher Q-Exactive), GC, GC/MS in EI, CI and NCI mode, preparative HPLC and further non-chromatographic equipment required for the tests.

Metabolite Identification

Our mass spectrometrists have more than 25 years of combined expertise in identifying metabolites in biological and environmental samples.

Residue Chemistry

We offer residue studies across various climate zones:

  • Development and validation of analytical methods for active substances and metabolites in crop, environmental and animal matrices
  • Dietary residue studies, complete field and lab solutions with partners
  • Analytical support for ecotoxicological studies: Residues in bees, arthropods, nectar, pollen and honey…
  • Freezer storage stability studies


i2L Research provides the field part of the study while IES performs the analytical chemistry.

Chemical and PhysicoChemical Characterisation

We provide physicochemical characterisation of chemical products through:

  • Dose verifications for in-house ecotoxicology and environmental fate studies as well as for external toxicology
  • Analytical Certification Work
  • Stability studies
  • Determination of partition coefficient (n-octanol/water) OECD 117 or 107 or 123.
  • Determination of the adsorption coefficient OECD 121 (HPLC).
  • Water solubility and solubility in organic solvents: OECD 105.
  • UV-VIS absorption spectra: OECD 101
  • Fat solubility of solid and liquid substances: OECD 116
  • Hydrolysis as a function of pH: OECD 111

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