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Automation and digitization of the data collection and processing in honeybee tunnel tests

By May 30, 2024September 4th, 2024No Comments

We are pleased to share the poster made in collaboration with Bluematic and the University of South Bohemia presented by our colleague Pavel Foltan at SETAC in 2024.

Title: “Automation and digitization of the data collection and processing in honeybee tunnel tests

Honeybee tunnel tests, as outlined in the OECD 75 guidance document, are conducted under semi-field conditions to quantitatively assess the impact of plant protection products on honeybee brood development. The testing process involves the collection of extensive datasets encompassing behavioural, environmental, mortality and colony/brood development metrics. The data collection process is labour-intensive, carried out over discrete time intervals with biologically relevant gaps, demanding a high level of expertise from personnel, and susceptible to observer bias.

Our project aims to enhance this process by developing a GLP-compliant technological solution that emphasizes data collection and processing automation through the integration of multiple measuring devices and sensors alongside the utilization of artificial intelligence for data processing and analysis.