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Validation of a method to determine transformation of chemicals in anaerobic liquid manure

By March 15, 2024September 4th, 2024No Comments

We are pleased to share our last publication from Chemosphere review where Wolfgang Völkel participated to the  “Validation of a method to determine transformation of chemicals in anaerobic liquid pig and cattle manure for the OECD test guideline programme

Manure is widely used as a fertilizer and applied to agricultural land. It may contain highly active chemicals like veterinary medicinal products or biocides, which enter into the environment by this pathway. This is recognized by several regulatory frameworks, however, a detailed method for examining the transformation of chemicals in manure was lacking. This article describes the validation of a method for studying the anaerobic transformation of chemicals in pig and cattle liquid manure. Different steps are covered with an emphasis on the validation ring test and the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) process that led to the recent adoption of the method as OECD Test Guideline (TG) 320.